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G'day Mate! Let's Crack the Grant Game: Yarn with a Bushie and ChatGPT

Are you tired of spending hours crafting grant proposals that yield little to no results? One-On One coaching - working on YOUR proposal.


- Enjoy the laugh, AI can help us with suggested copywriting, which is a great start, but it takes your human input to put together great grant applications. - enrol in the training - Yes I am Australian but I don't wear a big hat or talk like this.

Oi, how ya going?

Navigating grants is a bit like wrangling a roo sometimes, eh? But after 40 years in the bush, I reckon I've picked up a trick or two. Let's grab a virtual cuppa on Zoom and sort out those grants for your community projects.

What's the Agenda?

Spin a Yarn: We’ll chat about how to tell your project's story in a way that gets everyone buzzing.

Bit of Techy Know-how: I'll show you some ripper tools that make this grant thing a breeze.

Roll Up the Sleeves: Together, we'll dive into one of your projects and make it shine.

The Good Stuff: Walk away with a couple of pitches, posts, and bits to get the word out.

Old Mate’s Secrets: 40 years in, I've got a few tales and tips to share.

The Details:

Where? Zoom (No flies on us!)

How Long? About a 'Blinky Bill' episode, so 90 mins.

Cost: $100 (Bring the whole mob!)

After our Yarn: I've lined up some videos and handy tools for you to take away.

Why Join the Banter?

Learn from a True Blue: I've been around the block and back, keen to share the wealth.

Get Stuck In: No beating around the bush – we'll get real work done.

Takeaways for the Road: Tools and tips you can use again, no worries.

Keen as Mustard?

Let's turn grant writing from a drongo task into a piece of pavlova!

Secure Your Spot on Now!

Better be quick, spots fill up faster than a barbie in summer!

Chinwags from Mates:

"Felt like having a yarn at the local pub – left smarter than I walked in!" - Sarah L., Local Champ

"Never thought I'd say grants and 'easy as' in the same sentence. Cheers for the leg up!" - David P., Top Bloke

So, whaddaya say? Join in, grab some knowledge, and let's make those community dreams come true, together! 🇦🇺🍻


"Grant Application Essentials: Sharing Knowledge from a 40-Year Journey"


The art and science of grant applications is a nuanced field, requiring both heart and skill. Join a seasoned educator with 40 years of professional experience as he extends a hand to guide you through the labyrinth of successful grant writing.

What You’ll Acquire:

Narrative Crafting: Understand the fundamentals of creating a narrative that resonates with potential funders.

AI in Modern Grant Writing: Learn how to blend traditional knowledge with modern technology for an effective grant proposal.

Interactive Session: Collaboratively work on a real-world project, ensuring tangible learning outcomes.

Practical Outputs: Equip yourself with actionable tools such as project summaries, elevator pitches, and media releases.

Wisdom Distilled: Benefit from four decades of expertise and best practices in grant application.

Session Specifics:

Platform: Zoom

Duration: 90 minutes

Fee: $100 (Open to all committee members)

Supplementary Materials: Access to illustrative videos and tools for post-session reference.

Why This Masterclass?

Pedagogical Approach: Delivered by an educator deeply rooted in the practice and teaching of grant applications.

Pragmatic Learning: Engage with content rooted in real-world application for immediate impact.

Continued Utility: The lessons learned and tools acquired will serve as a long-term asset to your organization's endeavours.

Take Your Grant Writing to New Heights

Seize this opportunity to elevate your skills and competence in grant application, ensuring every community project has the best chance at success.

Enrol Today!

Space is a privilege! Secure your organization’s seat and benefit from a wealth of shared knowledge.

Participant Reflections:

"The session bridged theory and practice beautifully. It's clear the educator is passionate about sharing his vast knowledge." - Sarah L., Non-Profit Leader

"Appreciated the harmonious blend of traditional expertise and modern tools. It's an invaluable learning experience." - David P., Committee Member

Join us and embrace an enriching learning experience designed for tangible outcomes.


Learn How To Produce Successful Grant Applications

Are you a not-for-profit committee member who is struggling to write grant applications?

Don't worry, you're not alone!

Many not-for-profit organizations struggle to get the funding they need because they don't know how to write strong grant proposals.

But that doesn't have to be the case!

Our one-on-one Zoom grant writing coaching session (working on one of your grant applications) will teach you everything you need to know to produce successful grant applications.

You'll learn how to:

Identify the right funders for your project

Write a compelling project narrative

Develop a budget that is both realistic and persuasive

Create a timeline for your project

Track your progress and report back to funders

Plus, you'll get access to our AI-powered tools and algorithms, which can help you research your needs, suggest compelling elevator pitches, and draft engaging newspaper stories and social media content.

This coaching session is the perfect way to get the funding you need to achieve your organization's goals.

Register and book for a $100 workshop today!

Limited spots available!

The process is simple and together we will produce a Project Summary, 3 Elevator Pitches, 3 Social Media Posts and 3 Professionally written Media Releases for your project.

We are finding that the AI content gives us new ideas and enables us to edit the ideas to make the entire process much easier.

Need Help Getting A Grant?

Training of not-for-profit committee members is an important investment that can help organizations increase their chances of getting funded. By providing the knowledge and skills they need to write strong grant proposals. Training can help organizations achieve their goals and make a difference in the world.

"Over the last 40 years, we have gained funding for scores of our own community benefit projects with 100% success and helped many others with their grant applications. (I have had 4 grants approved in the last 10 days). In this one-on-one session, we explain how to develop a pitch and strategy that will gain the funds needed to proceed with your projects. This training is not just about the paperwork process of filling out forms. It's about how to communicate your vision in a way that engages and excites the person who is reviewing your application. We cover all aspects of the grants process from the original idea through to the acquittal and I share my 'Secret Sauce".

This Zoom Workshop will demonstrate the latest developments in AI workflow assistants and algorithms.

Furthermore you will have future access to all of our training videos, and our AI workflow content creation tools.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee



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