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How To Produce Successful Grant Applications Using AI - OneOnOne Coaching

There is a proven process for producing successful grant applications. This coaching will teach you our way of getting more grant funding.

How To Produce Successful Grant Applications Using AI - Australian One On One Coaching

Join me for a unique online coaching session where we will dive into the world of grant applications and how artificial intelligence (AI) can revolutionize the process. Whether you're a seasoned grant writer or just starting out, this personal coaching is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their skills and increase their chances of success.

This personal coaching session will provide you with valuable insights and practical strategies. Learn how to leverage AI technologies to streamline your grant application process, identify key funding opportunities, and create compelling proposals.

During this session we will guide you through the entire grant application journey. I will share my 'Secret Sauce', best practices, and real-life examples to help you craft winning applications. This may be your only opportunity to have my OneOnOne Coaching, where you receive personalized feedback and guidance tailored to your specific project's needs.

The process is easy to replicate and together we will produce a Project Summary, 3 Elevator Pitches, 3 Social Media Posts and 3 Professionally written Media Releases for your project.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to take your grant writing skills to the next level. Register now and unlock the power of AI in producing successful grant applications!

Coaching Session Details:

Platform: Zoom. Duration: 90 minutes

Cost: $100 One-On-One Coaching + (unlimited committee members)

Extras: Post-session access to all videos and algorithms utilized during the training.

Why Is This The Best Grants Coaching Option Available Today?

Experience Matters: I bring over 40 years of experience with 100% success in grant applications. (Yes 100% and I will show you how).Real-time Application: Work on a real project, ensuring immediate practical benefits for your organization.

Value Beyond the Coaching Session: Get tools and insights you can continuously apply, ensuring a lasting impact on your organization's fundraising prowess.

Ready to Supercharge Your Funding Efforts?

Don't miss this limited opportunity to elevate your grant application game and ensure your community projects never go unfunded.

Enrol Now - Spaces are limited! Secure your organization’s spot today and step into a world of grant application mastery.

Be part of a transformative journey that will forever change the trajectory of your community projects.

"Oh my gosh I did the course today and it has changed my LIFE! Seriously!
Thank you! And ChatGPT is a game changer!
Thank you thank you"
Regards, Xani
Violinist - Songwriter, Melbourne, Australia

"This workshop was fantastic. Fortunately, later, we had a one on one with Trevor and Annie which made it even more amazing.

We learnt to look at grant writing from a different angle and how it would improve our future applications. The session was very informative and Trevor and Annie made us feel very heard and welcome to the session.

Very much appreciated! Would highly recommend anyone who is interested in applications for grants to attend any workshops that are available with Trevor and Annie".

- Sporting Club Secretary - Regional Queensland


Trevor Boulton M.B.A. (I.T.) Cert4TAA

CEO boultons MultiMedia

CEO Street Lockers Australia

CEO The Brain Health Education Institute



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