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Beekeeping - Flow Hive Fun

The Flow Hive has been a revolution, popularising and making beekeeping more accessible. Learn the basics of Flow Hive backyard beekeeping.

The Flow Hive™ has revolutionised backyard beekeeping and opened up beekeeping to enthusiasts around the world. This five-hour workshop is designed for total newbees (lol sorry) to beekeeping who are thinking about getting a Flow Hive™, or have one sitting in their garage unassembled and don't know where to start.

We'll cover everything from what to order, how to assemble, where to put it, and how to get your first bees. This is a very hands-on workshop where you'll taste honey from different floral sources, suit up, and open several of Hamish’s hives where we will do a standard inspection, checking for overall health, strength, pests, and diseases, laying pattern and stores. We run through practical aspects of beekeeping like using the hive tool, handling a frame, lighting a smoker, and testing for pests and diseases including Varroa mites.

We supply everything needed for the course including a three-layer mesh suit and gloves. You’ll be able to see different models of built Flow Hive in the apiary alongside an empty one for demonstration purposes.

You'll walk away with enough information to confidently start your beekeeping journey. Hamish also supplies bees and offers a mentoring service so you will be able to keep building your skills beyond this initial workshop.

The workshop includes a morning tea with freshly baked sourdough, leaf tea, and plunger coffee.

Hamish is an experienced and enthusiastic beekeeper, bon vivant and foodie. He runs Australia’s most highly rated “experience” in Australia through the booking platform AirBNB Experiences. Hamish is a certified Flow Hive Ambassador and is an enthusiast for the system. He has several different models in his apiary.

You will need fully enclosed shoes to be able to do this. Also, keep in mind that we "smoke" the hives and you will end up smelling of eucalyptus smoke. If you have ever had an extreme reaction to a bee sting this probably isn't the right hobby for you, however, you can get in touch with Hamish to discuss.

I f you would like to preorder a colony of bees to take home with you after the workshop you can let Hamish know when you have completed the enrollment. Likewise after enrollment you will be sent a discount code to purchase a Flow Hive.


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