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Qualitative Data Analysis: Post-qualitative analysis

The idea of post-qualitative research is not about cancelling conventional forms of qualitative analysis, but opening our scholarship up to playfulness and alternatives to notions of systematic rigour that are often imported from more quantitative, scientific realms. In a post-qualitative approach we can embrace messiness, unruliness, the unexpected, not-yet data, oddities and curiosities. We can follow insights as much as evidence, anomalies as much as patterns. This workshop will introduce some key post-qualitative ideas and ways of putting them to use in analysis. 

Learning outcomes:

  1. Learn some key post-qualitative approaches 
  2. Develop confidence in the value of qualitative data analytical methods

This is the 8th workshop in the Qualitative Data Analysis series for 2024, led by Dr Nick Hopwood and Dr Erin Turbitt. It will be held both online and in-person, and it may be recorded.

If you are interested in further workshops in the series, check out these upcoming sessions:

This is a UTS Aspire event. UTS Aspire is a program of pan-university research development opportunities led by the Research Capability and Development Team.



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