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Writing for impact - NIT and Impact Summaries #2

Writing for Impact: NIT and Impact Summaries #2 is a hybrid session where we will delve into the art of crafting compelling narratives that resonate with research funders and research next users. 

In this interactive workshop, you'll learn the intricacies of formulating National Interest Test statements and impact summaries, essential for securing support and funding for your projects.

Through practical exercises and expert guidance, you'll gain valuable insights into aligning your work with broader societal objectives, effectively communicating its significance, and maximising its impact. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your writing skills and elevate your projects to new heights of influence and recognition.

The workshop will be presented by Catherine McElhone, Research Impact Facilitator, with other expert guests.

If you are interested in further workshops in the Research Impact at UTS series, check out these upcoming sessions:

This is a UTS Aspire event. UTS Aspire is a program of pan-university research development opportunities supported by the Research Capability and Development Team.



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