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The RHW Birth Unit Tours

A midwife will meet you at the entrance of the hospital (by Life Grain) and take you on a tour of the facilities and process here at The RHW for when you are birthing your baby.

It is a strict 30 minute session that will commence promptly at 1600hrs.

The tour will enable you and your partner to become orientated with our services. The midwife will show you the different rooms in our Birth Centre and Birth Unit.

The tour will also talk through the operating theatre, postnatal ward, antenatal ward and the neonatal special care unit.

* Tours will always go ahead. If the birthing rooms are not available, instead, time will be spent discussing the birthing environment and our facilities available.

Monday 27 May 2024 - Monday 9 September 2024 (UTC+10)

Cost: Free

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