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Qualitative Data Analysis: Demystifying action research

Presenters: Dr Keith Heggart (FASS), Dr Susanne Pratt (TD School) 

Action Research is a well-known research methodology that’s undergoing something of a renaissance at the moment. While it has always been popular in education, and especially with school-based practitioners, action research has also enjoyed popularity with scholars working in the fields of Business, Design and even Engineering. The idea of action research is simple - but the application of it can be complex, and requires careful structuring and planning. There is also significant diversity within this methodology, in terms of structure, processes and outputs. This workshop will: 

* Introduce the key ideas behind action research and action learning 

* describe examples and cases of action research, drawing on the Participatory Action Research Collective here at UTS 

* provide ways for interested scholars to be further involved, including via the ALARA conference being held at UTS and by joining the collective 

This is the 7th workshop in the Qualitative Data Analysis series for 2024, led by Dr Nick Hopwood and Dr Erin Turbitt. It will be held both online and in-person, and it may be recorded.

If you are interested in further workshops in the series, check out these upcoming sessions:

This is a UTS Aspire event. UTS Aspire is a program of pan-university research development opportunities led by the Research Capability and Development Team.



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