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Certificate in Le Signature Whole Body Massage Course 20/08/2024

Le Spa Massage Academy offers a 2-day training course covering all the fundamentals of relaxation massage and a lot practical hours.

Start your own massage therapy business today. Earn a certificate that lets you register professional membership with IICT and insurance.

Le Signature Massage is a fundamental of relaxation massage which incorporates a unique combination between Eastern and Western massage methods to stimulate different soft tissues in the body; from muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, nerves, to fibrous tissues, fat, blood vessels, and synovial membranes. The techniques of Western methods pay attention mainly on the external physical human body while Eastern methods focuses on assessing and restoring the vital flow of energy through “meridians” or energy channels. It also delicately blends the use of deep breathing, aromatherapy, along with complementing touch and other external senses of sight, sound, smell and taste.

Le Spa Massage Academy offers a 2-day training course covering all the fundamentals of relaxation massage. The course starts with a theoretical session followed by extensive hours of practical training. This will provide attendants with full coverage of both basic massage therapy knowledge and essential relaxation massaging techniques.

Upon completing, students are welcomed to attend our future classes to review their knowledge without extra charge, book in our student clinic hours to practice on real clients, and join our supportive massage therapist alumni network.


Phone: 07 3368 3362 / 0‭44 893 2465‬



On Sale 28/04/2024 at 12:00 am

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