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Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) 8 Week Course & Day Retreat.

Reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Evidence-based Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course created by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn.

Receive unparalleled mindfulness and meditation training, with documented, life-changing benefits. Delivered live and online, this immersive experience provides psychological and emotional support at a deep level. Facilitated by Anne Rodgers, certified MBSR teacher.

Get comprehensive and in-depth mindfulness training with eight two and a half hour sessions, a day-long retreat and an initial one on one consultation with the teacher.

Studies show MBSR courses deliver results in terms of reduced anxiety, stress and depression as well as improved mental health.

Reduce You Stress: Research indicates that MBSR leads to significant reductions in stress, with effects lasting well beyond the conclusion of the program (Hofmann, Sawyer, Witt, & Oh, 2010).

Enhance Your Mental Health: Research indicates that MBSR leads to significant reductions in stress, with effects lasting well beyond the conclusion of the program (Hofmann, Sawyer, Witt, & Oh, 2010).

Improve Your Physical Wellbeing: MBSR has been linked to lower blood pressure, improved sleep, and reduced chronic pain intensity (Kabat-Zinn, 2003).

What You Will Learn

  • Mindfulness Fundamentals: Understand the principles of mindfulness, including the importance of living in the present moment and adopting a non-judgmental stance towards your thoughts and experiences.
  • Meditation Techniques: Learn various meditation practices such as focused attention on breath, body scan meditation, and loving-kindness meditation, helping you cultivate awareness and calmness.
  • Mindful Movement: Explore gentle yoga and mindful walking as ways to connect mindfully with your body, enhance physical awareness, and reduce tension.
  • Stress Response Awareness: Gain insight into your personal stress triggers and responses, and learn how mindfulness can shift your approach from reactive to more reflective and deliberate.
  • Emotional Resilience: Develop strategies to manage difficult emotions and thoughts, enhancing your ability to face life’s challenges with equanimity and compassion.
  • Communication Skills: Practice mindful listening and speaking to improve communication with others, fostering deeper connections and reducing misunderstandings.
  • Integration into Daily Life: Discover practical ways to incorporate mindfulness into everyday activities, helping you maintain a mindful attitude and reduce stress in daily life.
  • Personal Growth: Engage in personal reflection and journaling to deepen self-understanding and encourage continuous personal development.

Your facilitator, Karl Baker

Karl Baker is the founder of Mindfulness Works Australia – Australia’s number one mindfulness training organisation. Over 30,000 people have completed the Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation course that Karl created. He has over 20 years in-depth mindfulness and meditation experience, having studied one on one with mindfulness teachers as well as attending silent meditation retreats. Karl is a compassionate and empathetic mindfulness teacher. His focus is on supporting himself and others to experience a deep sense of self-acceptance, self-love and self-forgiveness.

Why Choose This Course?

One on one consultation: Pre-course one on one session with the teacher, Anne Rodgers

In-depth, comprehensive tuition: 27 hours of tuition. Live, interactive and online

Immersive practice and learning: Full day immersive retreat included.

Practical support and resources: 100 page guidebook and app included.

Satisfaction money back-guarantee: If you attend all sessions, and the retreat, and have not received benefit, we will refund you in full.

Resources Included

Comprehensive guidebook (pdf version): Receive an in-depth 100 page guidebook to support you during the course and to refer back to for life.

Course and meditation app: Receive an app with guided meditations and practices you can keep for life.

Dates, Times & Schedule

Dates: Saturday 11 May – Saturday 28 June.1.00PM – 3.30PM AEST. (Eight Saturdays)

Day retreat (included in course): Sunday 16th June 10.00AM – 5.00PM AEST

Your Teacher: Anne Rodgers

All MBSR teachers undertake long term, in-depth training, including supervision before being certified to offer the course.

Anne is a fully qualified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher. She is a senior teacher with Mindfulness Works Australia, having extensvie experience in delivering Australia’s number one mindfulness course. Anne also holds a Diploma of Management, a Diploma of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing and is a registered Hatha Yoga Teacher. Anne dedicates herself fulltime to continuing education and training of business professionals in well-being using mindfulness.

Anne turned to mindfulness to support her own mental health and to cope with the rigours of business. She was so taken with the benefits of mindfulness with her own wellbeing, she took a great leap of faith and changed her life’s direction. She is keen to share her profound learnings and experience with others who may be treading a similar path of self-doubt, lack of worth and untapped talent and who want to live life with more happiness and less stress.

Anne is an accomplished business leader with a unique blending of management and mindfulness skills. She led the Adelaide and Perth Starcom teams for 15 years, achieving $90million billings peak with a team of 50 people across the disciplines of media and production.

COST: $550

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