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A Sparkle Breakfast with guest speaker - Julie Cross


The Emerald Neighbourhood Centre invites you to join us for a morning of delicious food and beverages while listening to Julie speak on the power of authenticity and empowerment in life!

G u e s t S p e a k e r - J u l i e C r o s s

As a motivational speaker and master of ceremonies, Julie Cross is unique. She’s not all about reciting cliched quotes and retelling ‘same-old, same-old’ stories. Julie believes in the power of authenticity, of telling it how it is, of sharing her own journey and being both brave and vulnerable at the same time. Julie’s approach and personality leave a long-lasting impression on those fortunate enough to experience one of her shows. Julie is well-known for spreading her sparkle (or spark, when it comes to the blokes in the audience), and her core message is simple – encouraging people to empower up to know themselves better, take personal responsibility, which in turn will help them to be happier and more productive in their life and career.

Sunday 14 July 2024 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM (UTC+10)

Emerald McIndoe Function Centre,

Opal Street, Emerald QLD 4720

Cost: $60.00

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