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On the Couch with Beck Lister

  • Sun 7th Jul, 4:00 PM
  • 250 High St
    250 High St, Northcote VIC 3070
  • Book Ticket
On the Couch with Beck Lister…part chat show, part therapy is a live chat show hosted by Beck Lister and musician Douglas Lee Robertson (Icecream Hands). Each show three artists, of differing disciplines, join Beck on the couch to chat about their arts practice, influences, failures, hopes and dreams. Douglas provides the ambience with his On the Couch theme songs and individual tunes for each guest and Beck digs deep to find out what makes artists tick! Join Beck and Douglas on Sunday July 7th as they chat with Marieke Hardy - Curator, Screenwriter, Artist and Producer; Charles Jenkins - Singer Songwriter and 

Heidi Everett - Artist, Writer, Mental Health & Arts Advocate

Produced by Anvil Productions.

Category Educational

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