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Open Day at La Trobe's Cottage

Visit the elegant La Trobe’s Cottage and garden, the home of the first Governor of Victoria. YOU CAN ARRIVE ANYTIME BETWEEN 1pm TO 3.30pm.

Join us on a tour of the charming La Trobe’s Cottage.

It is 180 years since the Trobe family arrived in Melbourne. Discover how Charles Joseph La Trobe, Victoria’s first Governor, lived with his family in his prefabricated house in early Melbourne. You will get a fascinating glimpse into family life at his ‘Jolimont’ estate, with his wife Sophie and their children.

You can arrive anytime between 1pm to 3.30pm. Tours usually last about 40 minutes. The property will close at 4pm.

During October, enjoy the Spring garden and see plants that featured in La Trobe’s ‘Jolimont’ garden.

During November you will see items of the La Trobes’ furniture and other special artefacts of the family.

During December, learn how Sophie La Trobe introduced the European custom of the Christmas tree to Melbourne.

During January we welcome families to the Cottage, with activities for the children.

During February you will learn the story of La Trobe’s prefabricated house, and hear how factories in London were supplying such cottages for British settlements around the world.

During March, view a selection of La Trobe’s art and see other artists’ pictures of La Trobe’s Cottage.

During April, enjoy the Autumn garden and see plants we know featured in La Trobe’s ‘Jolimont’ garden.

Open: October to April, Sundays 1pm to 3.30pm (property closes at 4pm).

Closed: Christmas Day/Eve and Grand Prix weekend in March. Please note that the property closes on days of extreme heat. You will be able to use your tickets on another day, or request a refund.

COST: $0 – $12

Category Educational

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