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Make Your Own Terrariums and Art Creations - Winter School Holiday Program

Discover the magic of nature and creativity with this wholesome activity.

Discover the magic of nature and creativity with this wholesome activity.

You will get to take home your very own miniature eco-system and create some art along the way!

This session is all about using our imagination and creativity whilst having fun. Art smocks will be available, wear suitable clothing for this art activity.

Pizza and drinks will be provided.

Please note that this program is suitable for young people aged from 10 - 14.

Registration through Eventbrite is required to secure your place. You will be emailed a Participation Consent Form to complete for each participant registered.

Booking terms

Hume Youth Services are hosting a range of free activities to enjoy these school holidays. All programs have limited availability and some require online registration.

The Youth Engagement and Pathways Unit support young people aged 6 - 24 who have strong connections to City of Hume. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian/responsible adult to choose programs that are suitable for their young person.

Youth Services Unit have right of refusal for your booking, if selected programs do not meet the needs or age of your young person.

Bookings closes 3 business days prior to the activity date to allow for all participant information to be processed.

Child safe commitment

Hume City Council is a child safe organisation with zero tolerance for child abuse. Council actively listens to and supports children to be strong, confident and self-determined citizens. Council provides a safe working environment that values child safety, diversity and inclusion for all children aged 0 – 18 and adheres to the Victorian Child Safe Standards and related legislation. Council acknowledges the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of all children; especially children from Aboriginal or culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and those with a disability.


On Sale 29/05/2024 at 12:00 am

Category Community

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