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Dreamwalking with Ancestral Spirits and Cosmic Guides [HOBART, TAS]

Embark on a transformative journey, connecting deeply with your ancestors, spirit guides, and outer dimension beings.

Discover ancient wisdom, receive profound insights, and embrace the healing power of the spirit realm. Join us for an odyssey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment. Don't miss this opportunity to walk the path illuminated by the spirits. Secure your spot now and step into a world of boundless spiritual connection and growth.

Dreamwalking With Your Ancestors

Dreams offer us a unique and profound conduit to connect with our ancestors. When we sleep, we surrender our conscious mind and enter a deep liaison with the spirit realm, moving freely and unhindered, without any resistance. As a Shaman, I am a Dreamwalker. I journey to this non-ordinary reality, walking and communing with my ancestors. I retrieve messages and guidance from this unseen world and convey them onto this physical plane.

You too have access to this sacred gift. With the Shaman as your guide, you can explore this dream state through a deep form of meditation known as a Shamanic Journey. This journey allows you to open a clear and unobstructed passage to walk with your ancestors, receiving their wisdom and guidance.

During a Shamanic Journey, you will be guided into a relaxed, meditative state, where you can connect with the spirit realm. In this state, the barriers between the physical world and the spiritual world dissolve, and you can freely communicate with your ancestral guides. You may receive messages, insights, and healing energy that can help you in your daily life.

This practice not only strengthens your connection to your ancestral lineage but also enhances your spiritual growth and understanding. It empowers you to tap into the wisdom of those who came before you, enriching your life with their timeless knowledge.

Join me in this transformative experience. Allow the Shaman to guide you in dreamwalking with your ancestors, where the past, present, and future converge, and where the spirit realm offers profound insights and guidance for your journey ahead. Together, we will journey into the depths of your subconscious, unlocking the ancient wisdom and healing that awaits you in the dreamworld. Embrace this opportunity to connect deeply with your roots and walk the path illuminated by the spirits of your ancestors.

Spirit Guides & Outer Dimension Beings

Spirit animals and outer dimension beings serve as our guides into the spirit world, acting as protectors, wisdom gatherers, and communicators of ancient knowledge. These spiritual beings transcend boundaries and limitations, offering their guidance and support whenever we seek it. Their presence can be profoundly transformative, assisting us on a journey of self-healing and personal growth.

Shamanism provides a sacred space for you to converse with these spirit guides and outer dimension beings. Through Shamanic practices, we can connect deeply with these entities, tapping into their vast reservoirs of wisdom and healing energy. They help us navigate the complexities of our inner world, shedding light on areas that require attention and offering insights that lead to profound understanding and transformation.

Spirit animals, with their unique attributes and characteristics, bring specific lessons and messages tailored to our needs. They help us unlock our innate potential and guide us towards our true path. Outer dimension beings, often seen as celestial or interdimensional entities, expand our consciousness and open us to higher realms of existence. They provide a broader perspective, helping us understand our place in the universe and the interconnectedness of all life.

Join the Shaman as she takes you on an odyssey of self-discovery and wisdom. Through guided meditations, Shamanic journeys, and sacred rituals, you will have the opportunity to meet and converse with your spirit guides and outer dimension beings. These encounters can illuminate your life's purpose, offer healing for past traumas, and inspire a deeper connection with your spiritual essence.

Embark on this transformative journey and experience the profound impact of connecting with your spirit guides and outer dimension beings. Allow their guidance to lead you towards greater self-awareness, healing, and spiritual enlightenment. Embrace the wisdom they offer and step into a life of empowered authenticity and spiritual harmony.

You will experience...

  • The Ancient Shamanic Practice of Dreamwalking
  • A Shamanic Immersion Journey connecting to Ancestral Spirits & Cosmic Guides
  • Dreamwalking with Ancestral Spirits
  • Transcendental Journey with Cosmic Guides
  • Shamanic Breathwork & Visualisation
  • Sacred Ceremonial Cacao
  • Live Instrumental Music
  • Sacred Sound Frequencies
  • Vocalisations incorporating Ancestral languages, Primal Shamanic Sounds, Chanting & Channelling

After the event you will receive:

  • Certificate of Completion
  • 30-minute private online consultation with Deb Macintyre (valued at $199).

What is a Shamanic Journey?

A deep transformational meditative experience, which opens the doorway to the three spiritual realms. Where you can journey into past lives, commune with your ancestors, visit other realms and dimensions. To receive healing, guidance, direction, clarity and the answers that you are seeking.

What is Shamanic Breathwork?

An ancient practice. This deep meditative experience penetrates the mind, emotions and the physical part of self. Disrupting patterns, releasing triggers, opening the gateway to a deep primal spiritual experience. Cathartic and evolutionary. Shamanic Breathwork releases deep seated pain and trauma from this life or past lives. Experience how the ancient practice of Shamanism can heal, transform and ascend.

What is Sacred Ceremonial Cacao?

Consumed in ceremony and ritual, Ceremonial Cacao opens the doorway to a deeper connection to your ancestors and the ancients. It opens the third eye and awakens the spirit being. It initiates the space to transcend and journey to other spirit realms. It is a gift from Mother Earth. It is grounding, anchoring and connecting you to her primal, tribal energy. Ceremonial Cacao is a high energy vibration standard. Drink with respect and intention.

Registration: 11.30am

Event: 12.00pm - 2.30pm


  • Small cup to drink from for the ceremonial cacao
  • Yoga Mat, Bolster, Blanket, Eye Mask
  • Water bottle with water to keep you hydrated throughout the session


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