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Co-Creating Global Harmony

Get inspired by expert panelists who share innovative, self-empowerment tips that will enrich your life.

SacredU’s Empowerment Programm


“Inspire, Innovate, Ignite: Conversations That Count”

Get inspired by expert panelists who share innovative, self-empowerment tips that will enrich your life.


Click on this link to reserve your space:

Each intimate group of panelists have been hand-chosen for specific topics to ignite deep conversations amongst guests who join live.

Showing up live is the very best way to not only learn from experts, but to engage in discussions and get your very own questions answered.

This series will help you understand the topics at a deeper level, so you become empowered to integrate the tips and discussion elements into your day-to-day life.


This event will explore various ways to co-create global harmony, including the role of spirituality, education, communication, and technology in promoting understanding and cooperation. Our panelists will share their experiences and insights on how we can bridge differences and work together to create a better world for all.

Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on how we can be the change we wish to see in the world. This is an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to live in harmony with each other and the planet, and to be inspired to take action towards creating a more peaceful and sustainable world.

Join Us in our Zoom or Facebook to become part of the conversation.

Sophia Soul

Few people have had the kind of life that Sophia has had and ended up running a worldwide organization dedicated to the Empowerment of self & others

Having been born with a Genetic Disorder and undergoing about 30 operations due to a genetic disorder, Sophia has faced many challenges in all aspects of her life. From chronic pain, extreme bullying, sexual and emotional abuse and mental health issues that led to suicide attempts. She can honestly say “I have lived through many challenges and have been able to completely transform my life with constant practice and awareness.”

Because of her upbringing, Sophia has always seen things differently to most people in this world. In wanting to experience a life where she could live in Contentment, Sophia has been on a spiritual journey for as long as she can remember, including practicing meditation for over 30 years, 18 of which were spent living in Meditation and Retreat Centers.

It was during this 30year period, Sophia really discovered what true Self Esteem is:

‘The state of consciousness where you value your inner self, regardless of whether you are being approved of or respected by others’.

The power of Positive Thought and Self-Esteem has also completely changed her as a person. Sophia now lives a life that is full of possibilities, she wakes every day and give thanks for being alive. Sophia believes that the power of the mind contains the answers to everything we ever desire.

As Anita Moorjani reminds us: ‘Remember Your Magnificence


Angela Cruz

Angela comes from a background in Coaching and Energetics Practices and Healing of several sorts,and She’s always been passionate about The Akashic Realm. Over the years, She’s had the privilege to guide and educate thousands of people around the globe to meet real achievements, experiences, or milestones in their Soul journey through the Akashic Records.

Angela Cruz is a Global Leader and the Creator of Akashic Alignment Consciousness and Technology. Her mission is to be the vessel of real change and ignite the creation of congruence in the energy system and alignment into wealth and abundance through people’s technology that they bring from the Akashic Records – soul purpose & mission and uniquenes in life and business through the infinite wisdom and abundance from the Akashic Realm.



Michelle Warnica

Michelle Warnica is a Spiritual Leader, Teacher, Energy Healer, Community Builder and

Alchemist. She’s also a challenger of the status quo of societal norms and a change agent for

those who dare to believe in infinite possibilities. She’s passionate about using her gifts to help

others find and expand into theirs.

She’s the Creator and Founder of the Mariposa House of Healing and Metamorphosis. A

spiritual retreat and transformational center where she helps spiritual women over 50 in a

transitional stage of life to trust their inner guidance for clarity and courageously cocreate an

authentic life with God. She curates personal retreats that include alternative healing modalities,

chef prepared whole foods, local Mexican culture and outdoor nature experiences.

Skye Louise Baxter

Skye is a shadow work specialist she is here to guide you to completely Unfu*k yourself by integrating your shadows and heal the generational trauma that is keeping you stuck so you can vibrate with confidence & succeed and thrive in life.

Skye has a passion for inner healing, healing generational trauma and shadow work, and she brings an alternative & holistic approach using your unconscious mind with modalities of hypnotherapy NLP & timeline therapy ®, Skye brings a safe non-judgmental space for you to be able to become your best you.

Dana Canneto

Feminine Essence, Soul Purpose Guide & Clairvoyant Consultant for mission driven female

Visionaries. She help aspiring, emerging and current soul-led leaders through their life and

business ascension journey – helping them awaken, align and embody their deeper spiritual gifts

and divine feminine essence so they can be authentically expressed to create more impact and

wealth in all ares of their life. She help them release ancestral wounds and old belief patterns

support them in the ebbs of their ascension journey in both life and business so they can

elevate their frequency and live their legacy.


Start Living Your Best Life by Joining the Series


COST: $9.78

Category Educational

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