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Heart Breath Workshop Perth

Welcome to Heart Breath Workshop Perth 

(Please read all the way down)

Heart Breath Workshop is a 3 Hour immersive workshop into the foundations and power of Breathwork

Conscious connected breathwork opens the energy channels in the body and allows what we have been holding onto to to surface to process, let go and feel

This may be suppressed emotions, physical blocks in the body, old belief structures, old memories, fight/flight/freeze patterns, and unprocessed trauma.

By activating non-ordinary states of consciousness, we are able to release what we have been holding on too and alchemise this into forgiveness, self-love, spiritual awakening and higher guidance.

You may know this or not but most of us are breathing in correctly, As a result, we restrict the amount of oxygen entering the body that fuels our cells and enhances our wellbeing, limiting our brain and body’s capacity to deal with stress and tension.

During traumatic events, the breath becomes restricted and shallow to prevent an overflow of emotional charge that may not be safe to express at the time. However, the problem begins to arise when this protective armour stays in our body, resulting in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual disconnection and blockages.

Here at Heart Breath School we have developed what is called the 3 Pillar Breath Method.

During this workshop we will be focusing on Pillar 1 - The Breath.

We will be teaching and guiding you through the Foundations. Brining awareness and understanding to our body, nervous system, and what life could feel like if we are fully regulated, grounded and connected to our body and breath. Giving you an embodying and life changing experience of the how you can use this powerful tool to enhance our life.

During this workshop you will:

•Release stuck emotions, trauma and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from fully living in your heart;

•Reconnect to your power, your truth and the wisdom of your body; and

•Deeply connect to your emotional body and intuition

•Create deep safety in the body, so you can stop wearing masks and start embodying your authentic truth.

This workshop is for you if you want to:

•increase flow, ease, joy and pleasure in your life;

•access expanded states of consciousness, including higher guidance and clarity;

•open and enhance creativity and expression;

•experience inner peace; and connection to others

•release toxins and stagnant energy from cells of the body.


Diving deep with community

•2-hour breathwork journey

•Sacred Sound Integration

•Shamanic Heart Activation

 Solo practices

•Inspirational instruction, professional and spiritual support


•Refrain from caffeine on the day of workshop

•Eat a light breakfast

•Wear comfy clothes

MUST Bring: water bottle, yoga mat, blankets and cushions for comfort, eye mask (optional) and a note pad and pen for journaling insights or guidance you receive during breathwork journey

LOCATION: Energy Centre High Gate Perth

DATE: 07/07/2024

TIME: 12pm-3pm

EXCHANGE: : $129 including booking fee



DISCLAIMER: This workshop is suitable for all levels and experiences. Whether you have never experienced breathwork or done multiple journeys, We create a deeply supportive, shamanic container so that you leave feeling deeply connected to your heart.

However, Breathwork is not recommended if you:

• Are pregnant

• Cardiovascular Disease, including

Angina or Heart Attack

• High Blood Pressure

• Glaucoma

• Detached Retina

• Kidney Disease

• Diabetes

• Severe Asthma

• Uncontrolled Thyroid Conditions

• Osteoporosis

• Significant recent physical injuries, and/or recently undergone surgery

• Severe mental illness, including Bipolar Disorder or Psychosis,

• Seizure Disorders

• Using anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication

• Are under the age of 18

If you have had covid19 or have recently had a vaccine please contact me to discuss furtherIf in doubt, please consult with your physician prior to purchasing a ticket.

Feel free to get in touch with Ben or via email at if you have any questions.

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