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Getting Started with Creative Writing

  • Mon 8th Jul, 10:00 AM
  • Waterford Rise Estate
    Corner Waterford Rise &, Lakeside Blvd, Pakenham VIC 3810
  • Book Ticket

Winterfest Workshop

Getting Started with Creative Writing 
With Vicki Thornton 

Have you ever wanted to know where to start with a story? Do you have so many ideas that you can't decide which to grab first?

Come along for a hands-on writing workshop that will have you inspired and eager to get those words down on the page. 

Vicki Thornton has written poems and short stories, essays and articles, plays and novels. Some have been published, some are waiting in the bottom drawer, waiting for their time to shine.

She works at Pakenham Library where you can find her doing the Hokey Pokey with toddlers, planting cabbages in the Discovery Garden, or experimenting with plant pigments in Steam Club. She also runs a monthly online Youth Writing Group, sharing her love of writing. 

Connect, create, learn, discover, share, imagine.

The Winterfest Kids’ Art Workshops are designed to give kids the opportunity to be creative in a supportive and facilitated environment over the school holidays.

These workshops will help to build motor skills, encourage creative play, and strengthen to bond between child and caregiver.

Given the nature of these workshops, it is recommended to wear clothes that can get messy. 

Suitable for children 8 – 15 years. 
All workshops run from 10am to 12pm at CCC. 

One ticket includes 1x adult and 1x child. Children 16 years and under must always be accompanied by an adult in the centre.

Buy Tickets from $0.00

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