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Live Energy Healing Demonstration - Body in E-Motion

Join us for a live Energy Healing Demonstration featuring Belinda Mcknoulty and the unique way of Body in E-Motion.

Join us for our Body in E-Motion Live Demonstration, combining Bodywork, Acupressure, Word Association, Story Telling, Massage and healing techniques to bring the body back into a space of homeostasis all in one modality.

This is the way of Bodywork now and into the future. We will have space for some of our beautiful humans to jump on the table and to experience the benefits, feel the immediate shifts and transformations and Ah Ha Moments and to ask all of the questions you like.

We will be together for roughly 90 minutes please remember this is a demonstration and everyone is welcomed. We are showcasing Body in E-Motion as it is our Signature Program and Healing Modality. This is a space for growth, expansion and clarity.

When: Sunday 7th July

Time: 10am

Where: Mystic Studio 4/119 Bloomfield Street, Cleveland

This is a free Demonstration however we asking that if you feel called to Gift into the Space the exchange of $22 would be greatly received.

Much Love




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