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Hearts and Crafts: A relaxed space for making together

A relaxing, family friendly space to make art, cards and presents with presence.

If you're anything like me, you have a hoarding of all things crafty, kept with the intent of making things with them one day.

If you're anything like me, you enjoy taking your sweet, delicious time to write long, heartfelt messages to loved ones in home made cards to put atop home made gifts.

If you're anything like me, you rarely make the space to actually do this using all the scraps and cool postcards that fill up your 'craft cupboard'. The one that you completely forget exists. until you're already late to the events and rushing out the door; so you end up thrusting a mediocre sentiment, scrawled in sharpie on the back of a coaster found on the floor of your car on the way.

This event is for anyone like me, who might benefit from committing to an event with the sole intention of following through with these intentions

A spacious, homey vibe, many a hoarded crafty piece, ample room to sprawl and chat or hyperfocus with and movie watching, music enjoying options and fun things to keep kids of all ages occupied and a gathering of good ol fashioned fellow humans. Making stuff together. Drinking tea or wine. Eating cake. Being lovely.

Bringing the presence to the creations.

Bring the crafty stuff you've been meaning to use, anything you'd like to share, presents to wrap and anything else specific you may need, materials wise. I'll have some basic craft supplies like cardboard, scissors, glue, recycled materials, markers, stickers, embossing tools etc to share as well as random craft items that will be so excited to see the light of day.

Contribution goes towards the space, supplies and refreshments but if cash is keeping you from from joining, please reach out.


A$10 – A$17.19

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