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Speech Structure Masterclass

Learn a simple formula to structure any speech

With the right structure, you can move effortlessly through your speech: able to deliver hours of content with a few simple prompts.

Your audience will be able to follow along without getting bored or distracted.

This structure will allow you to make the most of your time, whether you are given 5 minutes to speak, or 5 hours.

You won't have to spend so long wondering what you are going to cover in your speech.

You won't stumble around on stage, wondering where you are going next.

You won't waffle on for too long about irrelevant information, and miss the detail on your key points.

At the moment, you don't have a system for structuring your speeches, and you throw together what you know like an alphabet soup.

It causes you to overrun on stage and you still don't feel you got the point across the way you wanted to.

You know you've got a lot to say, you just don't know how to say it.

The problem is that you haven't seen many good examples of how to structure a speech.

You see boring introductions where a person tells you their life story or rattles off their CV.

You see PowerPoints choked with text that you are expected to just learn by osmosis.

You know it's boring, but boring is safe.

You don't want to take a risk trying something different and bomb on stage.

When I started as a speaker, I was still working my full-time job as a teacher. I didn't have time to spend agonising hours putting together my presentations.

I needed a system that was fast and that I could use each time.

This is where I created the Perfect Preparation Plan.

It's a system I still use to this day and my clients who get paid hundreds of dollars an hour to speak use it as well.

I’m going to show you how you can stay structured with your speeches so that you can deliver your content effectively and efficiently.

In this webinar, you are going to learn the three-part framework that organises your content, engages your audience, and allows you to focus less on what you are going to say and more on how you are going to say it.

You can keep on copying the same bad practice if you want. Or you can use a system that works for you every time.

No more cramming information into your speeches. No more losing your place during a speech. No more wasted time for your audience listening to irrelevant information.

There’s a better approach you can learn in this Masterclass.

Click the button to the right to sign up and get more structured.



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