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Dream Power Online Workshop

If it’s on your mind the dreaming mind will be solving it.

Diane Bellchambers presents Dream Power: Let your dreams help solve your problems.

Understanding your dreams empowers you to understand yourself and the greater sense of who you are. This interactive workshop helps us to understand the deeper connection between your own emotions, anxieties, true self-worth and the interconnecting web of our mind with dreams.

If you’ve had any issues on your mind the dreaming mind is solving them! Understanding the wisdom in your dreams can give you a greater sense of who you are…revealing insights into your deeper needs and hidden strengths. If you’re ready to live with more peace and power, this session is for you!

Even if you don’t remember your dreams, learning about dreams can help you remember them.

Who is Diane Bellchambers? Diane holds an Honours Degree in Psychology and has written two books on dreams. Diane has taught “intentional dreaming” to groups, teams and counsellors, helping others harness the dreaming mind to solve problems and increase creativity. Find out more by visitng her website: Self Empowerment with Diane Bellchambers


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Please note:

  • Minimum numbers required. The event will be cancelled if minimum numbers are not met.
  • This event is for Adult Carers only. Carer Program events provide a safe and welcoming space for carers to freely interact with each other, so we ask that children and/or the person you care for are not brought along with you to events. Please note that if this occurs, you will be unable to participate in the event. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Event participants must be registered with Carers Queensland prior to attending the event. If you are already registered with us, you don’t need to register again. To register with Carers Queensland contact us on 1300 747 636 or email for a registration form.

On Sale 20/08/2024 at 8:00 am

Category Educational

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