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Women As Witches, Past, Present And Future

Get inspired by expert panelists who share innovative, self-empowerment tips that will enrich your life.

SacredU’s Empowerment Program


“Inspire, Innovate, Ignite: Conversations That Count”

Get inspired by expert panelists who share innovative, self-empowerment tips that will enrich your life.


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Each intimate group of panelists have been hand-chosen for specific topics to ignite deep conversations amongst guests who join live.

Showing up live is the very best way to not only learn from experts, but to engage in discussions and get your very own questions answered.

This series will help you understand the topics at a deeper level, so you become empowered to integrate the tips and discussion elements into your day-to-day life.

Women As Witches, Past, Present And Future

Ask someone what they think of when they hear the word ‘witch,’ and you’ll likely conjure images of old, haggard figures with broomsticks. Historically, during the early modern period in Europe (15th-17th centuries), witchcraft was considered a crime, leading to around 45,000 executions from an estimated 90,000 accusations.

Today, the concept of witchcraft has shifted significantly. It’s now embraced by many as a spiritual path that promotes personal growth, healing, and a deep connection to nature. This modern interpretation aligns with movements towards holistic wellness and environmental awareness.

Looking forward, the role of witchcraft is expected to evolve further, moving away from its historical stigma. With society’s growing openness to diverse spiritual practices, witchcraft is being redefined as a symbol of strength, resilience, and community. It represents a future where spirituality is more personalized and seen as a potential force for positive change, focusing on sustainability, empowerment, and inclusivity.

Our panel discussion will delve into the past persecution, present-day spirituality, and the promising future of witchcraft as a dynamic and empowering practice.


Julie Nelson

After studying for many years in Astrology and Clinical Aromatherapy and blending her personal experience with her learned knowledge, Julie loves bringing these Magickal extensions of ourselves together on a deep and rich level.

Her inspiration comes from the ascent of women through the ages the world over, the Goddess divine, her own study and life journey.

One of Julie’s missions is to take you on a journey to initiate you into the mysteries and pleasures of all things Astrology, Magick, Ritual and more.


For more information on Julie Nelson, please click here:


Julie is also the Host of the ‘The Be Witching Tribe’ Tribe for Sacred U:



Skye Louise Baxter

Skye is a shadow work specialist she is here to guide you to completely Unfu*k yourself by integrating your shadows, and heal the generational trauma that is keeping you stuck so you can vibrate with confidence & succeed and thrive in life.

Skye has a passion for inner healing, healing generational trauma and shadow work, and she brings an alternative & holistic approach using your unconscious mind with modalities of hypnotherapy NLP & timeline therapy ®,

Skye brings a safe non-judgmental space for you to be

able to become your best you.

Janaki Mayhill

Janaki IN bodies the essence of transformation. She is a channel for the divine at the deepest level. She stands as a beacon of change, an alchemist of well-being, advocating for the restoration of our innate power rooted in love.

A mother of four, Janaki carries the sacred codes of the divine mother within her DNA, her very name is a reflection of her connection with Mother Earth. A multifaceted artist, Janaki channels divine inspiration through her music, poetry, and words,

serving as an instrument of God’s grace allowing her to be a quantum conduit of love.

She is a word wizard who sees the codes in our language and she is committed to restoring the distortion of the construct of society. She speaks the language of love, that unites us all. She lives by the law of one and stands for Unity consciousness.

She supports others by turning their wounds into wisdom.

She guides you to rewire your brain and bring your head and heart into coherence. She loves giving the gift of stillness, presence, and connection that allows you to rewrite your old story and blaze in the light of glory so you can

receive your miracles with ease and live your life on purpose with passion. She lights up birthing in supernovas that are here to expand the planet.

Her mastery extends to the realms of NLP, hypnosis, Quantum Time Techniques, and Mastery Systems where she facilitates the art of sacred language of the body and spoken word, bridging the gap between the physical and the spiritual realms.


Dana Canneto

Feminine Essence, Soul Purpose Guide & Clairvoyant Consultant for mission driven female Visionaries. She help aspiring, emerging and current soul-led leaders through their life and business ascension journey – helping them awaken, align and embody their deeper spiritual gifts and divine feminine essence so they can be authentically expressed to create more impact and wealth in all ares of their life.

She helps them release ancestral wounds and old belief patterns support them in the ebbs of their ascension journey in both life and business so they can elevate their frequency and live their legacy.


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COST: $9.78

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