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Breaking Free From The People Pleasing Habit

Reduce the stress and anxiety associated with seeking approval and fearing judgement. Learn practical tools to break free of people pleasing

What Will be Covered in This Session

Explore the dynamics of praise and criticism and learn how to navigate them with greater equanimity.

Using mindfulness-based strategies, you will develop the tools to maintain inner stability and enhance self-worth, regardless of external feedback.

Join us to discover how to healthily manage the highs of praise and the lows of criticism, leading to a more centred and resilient self.

Foster a Balanced Emotional Response:

Learn to handle the emotional ups and downs that come with praise and criticism, fostering a more balanced emotional state.

Empower Your Self-Worth With Independence:

Address the common tendency to base your self-worth on others' opinions, building a stronger sense of intrinsic value.

Reducing People-Pleasing Stress, Pressure and Anxiety:

Reduce the stress and anxiety associated with seeking approval and fearing judgment, leading to a more peaceful and confident mindset.

Your facilitator, Jerry Sam

Jerry Sam is a seasoned mental health advocate, certified Demartini Facilitator, and Advanced Coaching Practitioner with over six years of consulting experience in human behaviour psychology.

Holding a Master’s in Biomedical Engineering with distinction from the University of Cape Town and an undergraduate degree in Mechatronics, Jerry has combined his technical expertise with a deep understanding of human behaviour to empower individuals and organisations.

A first-generation Chinese in South Africa, Jerry’s journey of personal development began in school, driven by a desire to overcome feelings of loneliness and difference.

His professional journey includes corporate experience and ownership of several entrepreneurial ventures, including a human behavioural consulting practice.

His purpose is to help others unlock their true potential; Jerry integrates mindfulness-based strategies to promote resilience, inner stability, and self-worth.

COST: $20

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