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14 Day Radical Self-Acceptance Meditation Experience

Immersive live daily meditations. Expert teaching. Free yourself from feeling like you are not good enough or need to be perfect.

  • Free yourself from feeling like you are not good enough or need to be perfect.
  • Realise you are OK and you are worthy of love and care.
  • Love, accept and forgive the parts of yourself you find unlovable, unacceptable and unforgivable.

“I benefited so much from this course. It was a profound and transformational experience. I was able to practise and increase self acceptance. I have started to feel my feelings and emotions. I am more happy than I have ever been.” — Ankur Sarawal

What You Get With The 14-Day Radical Self-Acceptance Experience

Two 15-minute live guided Radical Self-Acceptance meditations every day for 14 days.

Make Radical Self-acceptance a powerful habit as you embed it in your life with twice daily live guided 15-minute meditations. Make the habit easy with meditations that are long enough to be effective and short enough to fit into a busy schedule. Come to them all, or choose to participate in the ones that fit in with your schedule. Facilitated by Mindfulness Works founder and experience creator, Karl Baker.

Two 45-Minute Community Connection Events

You will be inspired and supported by a community of people learning what it means to be Radically Self-Accepting. Enjoy a safe, supportive and totally non-judgemental environment to share learnings, stories and tips and techniques. Don’t worry if you miss a session as they are all recorded and available for you to watch when you are ready. Facilitated by Mindfulness Works founder and experience creator, Karl Baker.

1.5 Hour Live Master Class

You will learn the theory behind Radical Self-Acceptance, powerful psychological frameworks and tools to implement it in the Radical Self-Acceptance 90-minute Masterclass


90-Minute Master Classes Dates and Times:

Radical Self-Acceptance Master-Class: Sun 14 July 7.00pm AEST

14 Days of Radical Self-Acceptance Meditation Practice Dates and Times:

Morning 15-minute practice: Monday 15 July – Sunday 28 July. Every morning 7.00am AEST.

Evening 15-minute practice: Monday 15 July – Sunday 28 July. Every evening 7.00pm. (extending to 20 minutes for 2nd week)

2 x 45-Minute Community Connection Sessions Dates and Times:

Community connection session 1: Wed 17 July 7.15pm – 8.00pm AEST

Community connection session 2: Wed 24 July 7.15pm – 8.00pm AEST

Radical self-acceptance is your birthright.

You were born perfectly OK.

Your upbringing, conditioning, culture, media and social media gives you the message that there is something wrong with you, you are incomplete or that you need fixing.

Failing to meet impossible ideals keeps you imprisoned in feelings of not being good enough. This is held in place with feelings of shame. This is the shame cycle.

Break free of the shame cycle, by practising the awareness cycle.

The awareness cycle breaks you free you from the prison of the shame cycle. You practise starting from a place of being OK and using awareness to allow, accept and love all the parts of you that fall short of your unrealistic ideals.

You don’t need to get rid of anything; you simply realise more and more your natural OKness.

It just takes practice and practice makes permanent.

“This course really enhanced my understanding and appreciation of how rewarding regular mindfulness practice is. Karl’s positive framing and disposition made sure I always felt welcome and ‘ok’. Sharing the experiences of other participants helped me understand that others shared aspects of my experience and this helped enormously.” — Adrian Breen

“Through this course I was able to return to my window of tolerance, was more equipped to respond and am less reactive. I feel more confident and better prepared to deal with the complex situations I deal with during my work day. Finding 15 mins twice a day was easy enough to fit into my schedule too. The meditation really does do the work for you, all you have to do is be present.”— Erin May

Facilitated by Karl Baker, Founder Mindfulness Works

My name is Karl Baker. I am the founder of Mindfulness Works. Over 40,000 people have completed the Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation course I created.

I have designed the Radical Self-Acceptance 14-Day Experience to make it easy to embed the practice and feeling of Radical Self-Acceptance in your life.

Radical Self-Acceptance is fuelled by the glimpses of your inherent OKness, reminding ourselves again and again we are OK and learning to embrace all of the aspects of our psyche and life with unconditional love.

To make this happen, the Radical Self-Acceptance 14-Day Experience gives you two daily, live guided meditations, a committed community of fellow practitioners, two powerful 90-minute masterclasses equipping you with psychological tools to deepen your capacity for Radical Self-Acceptance and Self-Care.

All sessions are live. The guided meditations and community connection events are facilitated by me.

“Karl is an amazing, expert yet accessible teacher whose job description is human. His enthusiasm is contagious.” — Chris Egan

“I loved Karl’s teaching. He was enough to keep things moving along in a light hearted way without overpowering individual needs within the group” — Susan Parminter

“I found Karl to be great at facilitating. He is a genuine, kind and humble person. He is also very passionate and his passion to help people comes through.” — Ankur Sarawal

“Karl was brilliant, so easy to listen to, open, welcoming, kind, passionate, considerate, validating and informative.” — Erin Harvey

“Karl has a gentle and reassuring message that we are all okay, exactly as we are, in this moment, no matter what is going on in life. Not only is radical acceptance explained, Karl has a way of personal sharing that suggests that ‘not good enough’ and comparison are untruths we tell ourselves. He easily infused a message of oneness, okay-ness and we’re alright as we are in the workshop. During the session, I felt at ease, seen, heard and supported along with the other group members. Feeling enough takes practise and certainly Karl is showing us the way. Thank you, Karl.” — Michelle Ryan



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