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Who Would You Be Without Your Story

Get inspired by expert panelists who share innovative, self-empowerment tips that will enrich your life.

SacredU’s Empowerment Program


“Inspire, Innovate, Ignite: Conversations That Count”

Get inspired by expert panelists who share innovative, self-empowerment tips that will enrich your life.


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Each intimate group of panelists have been hand-chosen for specific topics to ignite deep conversations amongst guests who join live.

Showing up live is the very best way to not only learn from experts, but to engage in discussions and get your very own questions answered.

This series will help you understand the topics at a deeper level so you become empowered to integrate the tips and discussion elements into your day-to-day life.


Who Would You Be Without Your Story?

Have you ever wondered how much of your life is shaped by the stories you tell yourself?

Join us for an enlightening panel discussion where four inspiring individuals will share their journeys of self-discovery and transformation.


– How the stories we believe about ourselves influence our choices, relationships, and life paths.

– The power of changing these narratives to unlock new possibilities and personal growth.


– From real-life experiences about the impact of letting go of limiting beliefs.

– Practical tips on how to rewrite your story for a more fulfilling life.


– Gain insights into finding your true self beyond the confines of past narratives.

– Be inspired to embark on your own journey of change and self-improvement.

Join us for this soulful exploration into the stories we tell ourselves and how changing them can redefine our lives. It Is not just a discussion – it’s a step towards your own personal transformation.

Let us uncover together, ‘Who Would You Be Without Your Story?’

Sophia Soul

Few people have had the kind of life that Sophia has had and ended up running a worldwide organization dedicated to the Empowerment of self & others

Having been born with a Genetic Disorder and undergoing about 30 operations due to a genetic disorder, Sophia has faced many challenges in all aspects of her life. From chronic pain, extreme bullying, sexual and emotional abuse and mental health issues that led to suicide attempts. She can honestly say “I have lived through many challenges and have been able to completely transform my life with constant practice and awareness.”

Because of her upbringing, Sophia has always seen things differently to most people in this world. In wanting to experience a life where she could live in Contentment, Sophia has been on a spiritual journey for as long as she can remember, including practicing meditation for over 30 years, 18 of which were spent living in Meditation and Retreat Centers.

It was during this 30year period, Sophia really discovered what true Self Esteem is:

‘The state of consciousness where you value your inner self, regardless of whether you are being approved of or respected by others’.

The power of Positive Thought and Self-Esteem has also completely changed her as a person. Sophia now lives a life that is full of possibilities, she wakes every day and give thanks for being alive. Sophia believes that the power of the mind contains the answers to everything we ever desire.

As Anita Moorjani reminds us: ‘Remember Your Magnificence


Michelle Warnica

Michelle Warnica is a Spiritual Leader, Teacher, Energy Healer, Community Builder and Alchemist.

Michelle is also a challenger of the status quo of societal norms and a change agent for those who dare to believe in infinite possibilities.

She is passionate about using her gifts to help others find and expand into theirs. She’s the Creator and Founder of the Mariposa House of Healing and Metamorphosis. A spiritual retreat and transformational center where she helps spiritual women over 50 in a transitional stage of life to trust their inner guidance for clarity and courageously cocreate an

authentic life with God.

She curates personal retreats that include alternative healing modalities,

chef prepared whole foods, local Mexican culture and outdoor nature experiences

Janaki Mayhill

Janaki Inbody the essence of transformation. She is a channel for the divine at the deepest level. She stands as a beacon of change, an alchemist of well-being, advocating for the restoration of our innate power rooted in love.

A mother of four, Janaki carries the sacred codes of the divine mother within her DNA, her very name is a reflection of her connection with Mother Earth.

A multifaceted artist, Janaki channels divine inspiration through her music, poetry, and words, serving as an instrument of God’s grace allowing her to be a quantum conduit of love. She is a word wizard who sees the codes in our language and she is committed to restoring the distortion of the construct of society. She speaks the language of love, that unites us all. She

lives by the law of one and stands for Unity consciousness.

She supports others by turning their wounds into wisdom. She guides you to rewire your brain and bring your head and heart into coherence. She loves giving the gift of stillness, presence, and connection that allows you to rewrite your old story and blaze in the light of glory so you can receive your miracles with ease and live your life on purpose with passion.

She lights up birthing in supernovas that are here to expand the planet. Her mastery extends to the realms of NLP,

hypnosis, Quantum Time Techniques, and Mastery Systems where she facilitates the art of sacred language of the body and spoken word, bridging the gap between the physical and the spiritual realms.



Beverly Akhurst

Beverly Akhurst worked with victims of crime, in the Mental Health Field and as an Educator, followed later by tech and travel. It was in her 40’s, after some large life experiences, that she found first, her purpose as a Yoga teacher, which then grew and expanded into service as aWellbeing Coach and Facilitator focusing on a return finding Ritam (rhythm) in living.

A cardiac unit started the journey and now as the owner of Ocean Breath Yoga she guides a program she calls Ritam of Life. A student of anatomy and Bhakti Yoga, she is considered a Master Teacher and is trained in tremoring as a trauma release and Certified in Craniosacral Therapy.

Whether it is food, posture, movement, breath or other, Beverly has an ability to see where your life is misaligned and help you find the doorway into your health. She is a bestselling author published in “Heart Whispers”, speaker/storyteller & writer. Living in Vancouver, she adds in guesting on podcasts and forest bathing whenever she can…. Her reason for being? Teaching

the language of Ritam.

”It is time we all became linguists versed in the language of our own bodies, it is our most intimate relationship and a love language worth knowing




Anick Patry

Anick Patry is an Intuitive biz mentor, Voice & sound healer, TEDXSpeaker and an International best selling author and a Retreat facilitator who has created her own unique modality ‘Voice Tapping’. She has spent the last 15 years teaching thousands of awakened women and a few men globally to create lives beyond their wildest dreams.

Anick specializes in helping heart-centered entrepreneurs to embody their highest lucrative joy, so that they grow their business with ease in flow, make more money and have way more fun. Her work is deep, somatic, energetic yet fun. She takes her clients on a sacred and playful journey to release energies, transmute old beliefs, heal on a cellular level, so they can step into

a more sovereign version of self with less fear and more love.

With a lifelong passion for teaching, Anick Patry offers her programs globally in French & English to uplift her clients to use and own their creative power and embody their joy. Raised in Quebec, she lives by the sea in Australia. She loves singing, swimming in the sea,dancing, yoga and nature.





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COST: $9.78

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