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Songwriting Workshop with The Vegetable Plot - Orange City Library

  • Mon 15th Jul, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Orange City Library (part of Central West Libraries)
    147 Byng St, Orange NSW 2800
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Make some musical magic with ARIA nominated kids' band - The Vegetable Plot

Following on from The Vegetable Plot's performance, learn how they bring their funky, fresh and funny songs to life in our kids' songwriting workshop. This is a special oportunity to learn from a band with vast experience writing, performing and recording music, and bringing it to audiences around Asutralia and the world. Have fun while learning about what makes a song come together and hit the right notes with an audience!

This workshop is suitable for kids from 4 and up who want to learn how to make music!

In their own words,


We are on a mission of Love and Peas.

We use the power of music and storytelling to help kids fall in love with veggies.

We make earthy, soilful music that appeals to adults as much as kids.

Our live shows feature real musicians playing and singing live, not characters in rubber suits dancing to a backing track.

Our songs are filled with jokes and puns to show kids that language isn’t just something you learn to pass a test, it’s something you play and create with.

We plant seeds of inspiration that blossom for years to come.

Some of our biggest fans listen even when the kids aren’t around!"

Find out more about The Vegetable Plot at

Bookings are essential

All ages welcome - kids under 6 must be accompanied by an adult.



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