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ABE Keynote Address By Anna Hughes, AOFM

ABE Keynote Address By Anna Hughes, AOFM

  • Thu 4 Jul, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Sydney, NSW

Luncheon address and Q&A with Anna Hughes, CEO, Australian Office of Financial Management “50 Shades Greener: The AOFM’s move into labelled bond issuance and the impact on the depth and breadth of the investor base”. AOFM’s CEO Anna Hughes will refle...

ABE Keynote Address By Anna Hughes, AOFM

Luncheon address and Q&A with Anna Hughes, CEO, Australian Office of Financial Management “50 Shades Greener: The AOFM’s move into labelled bond issuance and the impact on the depth and breadth of the investor base”. AOFM’s CEO Anna Hu...

Thu 4 Jul, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

6 Macquarie St, Sydney NSW 2000