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Digimon Card Game Premier TO Online Regionals [Oceania]

This event is capped. Please register early to secure your spot. We are proud to present the Premier TO Online Webcam events for the Digimon Card Game in the Oceania region. This is a constructed, swiss tournament event. There will be ...

Sat 6 Jul, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Online Event

One Piece Card Game - Online Treasure Cup [Oceania]

This event is capped. Please register early to confirm your spot. We are proud to present the Premier TO Online Webcam events for the One Piece Card Game in the Oceania region. --- ONE PIECE CARD GAME Online Events are a great way for ...

Sat 10 Aug, 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Online Event

One Piece Card Game - Championship 2024 July Regional [Oceania]

TAK Games are proud to support the One Piece Card Game via a Premier TO Regional Tournament Event in Melbourne, Victoria This event is capped. Please register early to confirm your spot. We are proud to present One Piece Card Game Cham...

Sat 13 Jul - Sun 14 Jul

Moat Dr, Kingsbury VIC 3083

One Piece Card Game - Championship 2024 August Regional [Oceania]

TAK Games are proud to support the One Piece Card Game via a Premier TO Regional Tournament Event in Perth, Western Australia This event is capped. Please register early to confirm your spot. We are proud to present One Piece Card Game...

Sat 17 Aug - Sun 18 Aug

21 Mounts Bay Rd, Perth WA 6000

Battle Spirits Saga [Oceania] - Grand Tour Wave 1 - July 2024

TAK Games are proud to support the Battle Spirits Saga Card Game with this in person Grand Tour event. This event is capped. Please register early to secure your spot. Join us for the Battle Spirigs Saga Offline Grand Tour on Sunday Ju...

Sun 14 Jul, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Moat Dr, Kingsbury VIC 3083

Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World - 2024 July Regional [Oceania]

TAK Games are proud to support the Dragon Ball Super Fusion World Game via a Premier TO Regional Tournament Event in Melbourne, Victoria This event is capped. Please register early to confirm your spot. We are proud to present Dragon B...

Sun 14 Jul, 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM

Moat Dr, Kingsbury VIC 3083

Dragon Ball Super Card Game MASTERS | Oceania | Regionals

TAK Games are proud to present premier tournament events for Oceania for the Dragon Ball Super Card Game Masters. This is a constructed, swiss tournament event. There are no top cut finals. Each round is a best of 1 game pre-side match...

Sun 14 Jul, 2:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Moat Dr, Kingsbury VIC 3083

Digimon Card Game - Regional Championships [Oceania]

TAK Games are proud to support the Digimon Card Game via a Premier TO Championship Tournament Event. This event is capped. Please register early to secure your spot. We are proud to present the Premier TO Championship events for the Di...

Sun 18 Aug, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Perth WA 6000

Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World - 2024 August Regional [Oceania]

TAK Games are proud to support the Dragon Ball Super Fusion World Game via a Premier TO Regional Tournament Event in Perth, WA This event is capped. Please register early to confirm your spot. We are proud to present Dragon Ball Super ...

Sun 18 Aug, 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Perth WA 6000