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Supervision: Relationship Reset (Supervisors)

The Research Education and Development (RED) team are pleased to announce that registrations for the workshop on  Supervision: Relationship Reset for Supervisors , are now open. This workshop provides prompts for you to think through i...

Wed 24 Jul - Thu 19 Sep

Online Event

Managing Your Research Journey

The Research Education and Development (RED) team are pleased to announce that registrations for the workshop on Managing Your Research Journey , are now open. This session is focused on skills and strategies to help you start your the...

Mon 8 Jul - Thu 31 Oct

Online Event

Careers, Mentoring and Internships for Graduate Researchers

The Research Education and Development (RED) team is pleased to announce that registrations for Careers, Mentoring and Internships for Graduate Reserachers are now open. Want to get more out of your time as a graduate researcher? Think...

Thu 8 Aug, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Online Event

Graduate Researcher Milestones: Understanding Examination

The Research Education and Development (RED) team are pleased to announce that registrations for the session on Understanding Examination , are now open. This session helps demystify the process of thesis examination. Topics for discus...

Wed 30 Oct, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Online Event

Building Good Supervision Relationships (Graduate Researchers)

The Research Education and Development (RED) team are pleased to announce that registrations for the workshop on Building Good Supervision Relationships for Graduate Researchers, are now open. This session helps you understand the supe...

Thu 15 Aug, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Online Event

Supervision: Relationship Reset (Graduate Researchers)

The Research Education and Development (RED) team are pleased to announce that registrations for the workshop on Supervision: Relationship Reset for Graduate Researchers, are now open. This workshop will help you think through supervis...

Thu 5 Sep, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Online Event

Academic and Industry Career Paths for Graduate Researchers

The Research Education and Development (RED) team are pleased to announce that registrations for the workshop on Academic and Industry Career Paths for Graduate Researchers , are now open. What are the differences in academic and indus...

Tue 10 Sep, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Online Event

Preparing Your Online Presence for Graduate Research Careers

The Research Education and Development (RED) team are pleased to announce that registrations for the workshop on Preparing Your Online Presence for Graduate Research Careers , are now open. What do others see of you online and where / ...

Tue 15 Oct, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Online Event

Thinking About Graduate Research Careers

The Research Education and Development (RED) team are pleased to announce that registrations for the workshop: Thinking About Graduate Research Careers are now open. This session provides a supportive space to think, share and reflect ...

Tue 20 Aug, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Online Event

Introduction to Graduate Research Supervision

This workshop provides an overview of the key areas relevant to graduate resarch supervision at La Trobe, including: Information about policy and any relevant policy changes Candidature management Institutional support for graduate res...

Thu 8 Aug - Tue 3 Dec

Online Event

Publishing in journals

This session will discuss: How to choose where to submit and publish your work What you need to do to keep journal editors happy What happens after submission Why should I attend? Publishing is an essential part of academic life, and t...

Mon 8 Jul - Thu 10 Oct

Online Event

Managing Graduate Research Progress: Info for Supervisors & Progress Chairs

Progress Committees play a pivotal role in supporting graduate research candidates and ensuring the success of their research endeavours. The purpose of this workshop is to provide Committee members and Chairs with an opportunity to de...

Mon 8 Jul - Thu 5 Dec

Online Event

Fundamentals of Research Planning

This session helps you develop an effective, practical research plan by discussing: Why such a plan is important, How to make a plan (using the Individual Research Plan [IRP] as an example), and What t ools and support at La Trobe can ...

Mon 8 Jul - Thu 17 Oct

Online Event

Orientation for Graduate Researchers

Welcome to La Trobe! Whether you are new to the University or to graduate research this session will give you the information you need for a flying start to your research degree. These online sessions will connect you with key research...

Tue 30 Jul, 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Online Event

Enhancing Your Research Presentation Skills

The ability to communicate in a confident, effective and engaging way is a critical skill for contemporary researchers, whether it’s speaking to a potential industry partner, delivering a paper at a conference, talking to the media, or...

Tue 16 Jul, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Online Event

Graduate Researcher Milestones: Confirmation

To support you making progress towards completion of your research degree, all graduate researchers are expected to submit work and talk about your progress and plans regularly with their Progress Committee. This workshop: explains res...

Tue 22 Oct, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Online Event

Graduate Researcher Milestones: Mid-candidature Review

To support you making progress towards completion of your research degree, all graduate researchers are expected to submit work and talk about your progress and plans regularly with their Progress Committee. This workshop: explains the...

Wed 23 Oct, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Online Event

How to Conference

What happens at conferences? How do you know which ones to go to? How can you engage an audience of peers and deal with questions? Is there stuff to get out of conferences beyond presenting your work? In this session we'll work though ...

Wed 11 Sep, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Online Event

Planning your research communication strategy

Ensuring your research is effectively communicated is a part of being a savvy, contemporary scholar. This session introduces you to what it means to communicate your research, how to do it well, and what modes you can choose to do it i...

Thu 1 Aug, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Online Event

Writing with Confidence 1

The Writing with Confidence workshops are organised in a sequence of two sessions. These sessions will help you identify and practise some of the more troublesome elements of English grammar and expression. We will examine how language...

Wed 7 Aug, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Online Event